Jessica Warren: Freelance Art & Design

From conceptualizing to materializing, I oversee and take an active role in all aspects of production, marketing and design.

Seeking full time, part time and private contract work in tasks related to…
Print Media | Web Design | Illustration | Logo Design | Social Media | Marketing and Promotion | Art | Murals, Windows, Signs & More

Project: City of Alameda Campaign, Clean Green Safe
Created logo, flyers, posters and backdrops for the Alameda Clean Green & Safe campaign.  View more of my latest projects

Clean Green & Safe
Alameda Clean Green & Safe Campaign


Murals, Windows, Signs & More
Go into detail and behind the scenes on local art projects.

Online Portfolio | Resume

2017-Present News:
Studio 23 Most Professional Business: DABA Awards.
Studio 23 Best Indie Gallery: ‘Best of Alameda’

Jessica Warren Art and Design
Art for web and print media
2309B Encinal Ave.
Alameda,California 94501 US
